Good Brands DBA Typology
![Certified B Corporation](/static/8edecee6ddcbce21abcd764f4239dbaa/55f81/bcorp-logo-no-border-gray.png)
Île-de-France, France
February 2021
Personal care products
Au lieu de nous demander ce que l’on pouvait ajouter à nos produits de soins pour nous démarquer de l’industrie actuelle, nous avons cherché ce que nous pouvions enlever, pour ne garder que l’essentiel. Nous nous sommes donc concentrés sur ce qui définit un excellent produit de soin : la qualité de ses ingrédients. Nos formules sont pensées pour que vous compreniez chaque ingrédient qui la compose : elles sont simples, courtes, et répondent à des préoccupations précises, afin de correspondre à tous les types de peaux, même sensibles. Nous formulons selon un principe de prudence, en écartant tous les ingrédients qui pourraient représenter un danger pour la santé ou l’environnement. Par conséquent, notre liste d’ingrédients prohibés est à ce jour l’une des plus strictes du marché. Toutes nos formulations sont 100% françaises. Notre laboratoire de Recherche et Développement est situé à Paris, dans le 11ème arrondissement. Nous travaillons main dans la main avec nos ingénieurs, notre formulatrice et chimiste en interne, ainsi qu’avec des laboratoires partenaires situés aux quatre coins de l’hexagone.
Overall B Impact Score
Governance 14.8
Governance evaluates a company's overall mission, engagement around its social/environmental impact, ethics, and transparency. This section also evaluates the ability of a company to protect their mission and formally consider stakeholders in decision making through their corporate structure (e.g. benefit corporation) or corporate governing documents.
What is this? A company with an Impact Business Model is intentionally designed to create a specific positive outcome for one of its stakeholders - such as workers, community, environment, or customers.
Governance 14.8
Governance evaluates a company's overall mission, engagement around its social/environmental impact, ethics, and transparency. This section also evaluates the ability of a company to protect their mission and formally consider stakeholders in decision making through their corporate structure (e.g. benefit corporation) or corporate governing documents.
What is this? A company with an Impact Business Model is intentionally designed to create a specific positive outcome for one of its stakeholders - such as workers, community, environment, or customers.
Workers 26.4
Workers evaluates a company’s contributions to its employees’ financial security, health & safety, wellness, career development, and engagement & satisfaction. In addition, this section recognizes business models designed to benefit workers, such as companies that are at least 40% owned by non-executive employees and those that have workforce development programs to support individuals with barriers to employment.
Community 17.4
Community evaluates a company’s engagement with and impact on the communities in which it operates, hires from, and sources from. Topics include diversity, equity & inclusion, economic impact, civic engagement, charitable giving, and supply chain management. In addition, this section recognizes business models that are designed to address specific community-oriented problems, such as poverty alleviation through fair trade sourcing or distribution via microenterprises, producer cooperative models, locally focused economic development, and formal charitable giving commitments.
Environment 30.4
Environment evaluates a company’s overall environmental management practices as well as its impact on the air, climate, water, land, and biodiversity. This includes the direct impact of a company’s operations and, when applicable its supply chain and distribution channels. This section also recognizes companies with environmentally innovative production processes and those that sell products or services that have a positive environmental impact. Some examples might include products and services that create renewable energy, reduce consumption or waste, conserve land or wildlife, provide less toxic alternatives to the market, or educate people about environmental problems.
What is this? A company with an Impact Business Model is intentionally designed to create a specific positive outcome for one of its stakeholders - such as workers, community, environment, or customers.
Customers 3.9
Customers evaluates a company’s stewardship of its customers through the quality of its products and services, ethical marketing, data privacy and security, and feedback channels. In addition, this section recognizes products or services that are designed to address a particular social problem for or through its customers, such as health or educational products, arts & media products, serving underserved customers/clients, and services that improve the social impact of other businesses or organizations.